Dogs watching the Bakers dog food TV advert
First ever advert especially for dogs is launched, Britain – 12 Feb 2012
The UK’s first ever advert made especially for dogs is set to be launched on television. The barking-mad one-minute clip contains high frequency noises above 17,000 Hertz, which can only be heard by man’s best friend. Alongside this, it is also features an ordinary soundtrack that animals and humans alike can hear. The ad’s makers – Bakers dog food – hope the noise will attract a dog’s attention and cause their human owners to take notice of what’s on screen. The company tested the advert by playing it to 12 dogs that were being distracted with a toy. They found that all of them showed an interest in the noise and several approached the television screen to investigate further. Zara Boland, an animal expert from Bakers, said: “High-pitched frequencies cannot be heard by the vast majority of humans. But they appeal to dogs as their hearing is twice as sharp. Our experts have created an advert interspersed with high frequency noises that only canines should hear”.
(Rex Features via AP Images)